Volante Moon
November 02, 2018
In close collaboration with Bay Area landscape architecture firm Lutsko Associates, Richard determined the ideal site for the newly commissioned Volante Moon: poised between land and sea, as if about to take flight over the Pacific Ocean. Not only is the marble sculpture positioned in perfect harmony with the distant horizon, but it can be seen upon entering the home, offering a thrilling focal point of the structure’s sight lines.
Hewn at the Carrara studios from a five-ton block of deep grey Bardiglio marble, Volante Moon reached its home this fall: in September, Richard traveled to Half Moon Bay, where, with the expertise of Ian Mullen and his Ship/Art International crew, the marble sculpture was dramatically airlifted onto its granite pedestal via crane. As Ms. Becker commented for a feature in the International Furnishings & Design Association magazine, “Soon, stone will fly!” And it certainly did: to see Volante Moon sail aloft in the air was a testimony to Richard’s lifelong determination to imbue the ancient material with dynamic buoyancy.
“This sculpture,” says Richard, “is a humble tribute to the supreme qualities of Italian marble and its unparalleled ability to be malleable in the artist’s hand.”