
Public Sculpture Finds its Place in Taiwan

Introducing Seri Tai, a public sculpture in the heart of Taichung, Taiwan. Nothing compares to seeing a work of art take its place in the world. It goes from an idea to a vision to a material reality, but the cycle is not truly complete until the work is settled in its final environment. To witness a public sculpture growing into a life of its own, passing through the seasons and becoming part of the daily rhythms of this vibrant city.

public sculpture

The seed for the monumental  Seri Tai was planted  when Richard was commissioned to create a sculptural centerpiece for architects Antonio Citterio and Patricia Veil’s Taichung residential tower “La bella vita.” Richard envisioned an unfurling, monumental sculpture that would be a closed loop reaching toward the sky. Seri Tai emerged from 35 tons of ancient white Carrara marble. when finished, Seri Tai traveled from Carrara to Taichung, where it was placed at the base of “La bella vita”.

The installation was certainly momentous, but in the months and now years to follow, the sculpture has shaped and was shaped by residents and passersby, taking on new meanings as both personal touchstone and public landmark. Appearing to float on water and set amidst the elegant steel, glass, and amber honeycomb facade of “La bella vita,” and the pink blossoms of a neighboring tree, Seri Tai is now in dialogue with all of the elements. It is humbling to think it will very likely reach forward in time to meet future generations — as they might say in our Carrara studio, la vita è bella.