
Among the central tenets of Richard's worldview is a deep appreciation for the institutions that steward cultural education and growth through multiple generations. Richard recognizes that, through the embrace of several world-class institutions, his creativity was nourished and his career as a sculptor allowed to...

We pulled an article from our archives! The New York Times featured a story about the growing role of major corporations in their contributions to the arts through expanding their art collections. ''I don't think anybody could walk away from here without being impressed,'' said Donald M. Kendall, the...

Internationally-known Vermont based sculptor Richard Erdman has been commissioned by one of the world’s leading architects, Richard Meier, for his Timeless Tower building currently under construction in Taipei, Taiwan. The building, the architect’s first residential building in the Taiwanese capital, will feature an innovative integration...

Richard Erdman has long been an admirer of the architectural work of Richard Meier, so to join forces on a project in Taipei, Taiwan is an incredible honor. We will share the details regarding this commission soon; in the meantime, enjoy seeing another side of...