

Impressions from the artist’s studio: marble dust, new works, sculpture commissions, special projects

In 1771, German polymath Johann Heinrich Schulze accidentally discovered photography. By dissolving silver bromide particles into a mixture of chalk and acid and exposing it to the sun, he could semipermanently capture shadows. This brilliant, alchemical revelation would birth an entire art form: the medium...

Richard Erdman works with marble in pursuit of the divine. These abstract forms hold centuries of time; they whisper of the past and bend toward the future, a timeless continuum. Fervent gestures in stone beckon the sublime. Umba Carrara marble 2024 29 x 23 x 20 inches...

As a form that holds space without containing it, Velo compels a closer look, like catching a shadow or movement from the periphery. Its form almost opens, almost unfolds. The marble evokes the warmth of flesh, or a bloom opening, loosening its grip on becoming. A sense of...

Effervescent in spirit and light, Seri Tai Grande is a swirling dance in bronze. Mirroring its molten beginning, it glows with warmth while cool and fixed in its final form. Loosely coiled like a mobius strip, Seri Tai's form gives a feeling of eternal movement...

Through several monumental projects and collaborations with renowned architects Richard Meier, Whipple Russell, and Citterio-Viel, the ever-meaningful relationship between art and architecture has become central to Richard Erdman's art practice. Architecture is the triumph of human imagination over materials, methods, and men, to put man into...

As we near the end of the summer and catch our breath, even just a little, the transition of seasons invites a pause to reflect on all that’s been in motion this year. Not only did Richard complete his largest work since Passage—the Carrara marble...

A reverence for nature’s cyclical patterns echoes through new sculptures Hoku I and Hoku II. Both works are pared down-- tongue-like ribbons of marble that rise from and return to earth in organic, wave-like arches. Inspired by Katsushika Hokusai’s famed Edo period woodcut Under the Wave off Kanagawa (widely known as The...

Sculpture is a visual art that consists of creating three dimensional forms from a variety of materials. Here at Richard Erdman Studios, Richard’s preferred materials are white Carrara marble, and bronze, but throughout his 40 year career Richard has also carved limited sculptures in Brazilian Blue...