

Impressions from the artist’s studio: marble dust, new works, sculpture commissions, special projects

The sculpture of Richard Erdman is entwined with the history of marble and the source of the most renowned marble in the world: Carrara, Italy. Having maintained a studio in Carrara for decades, Richard’s work is imbued with the region’s rich legacy of stone, from...

“Bronze is the mirror of form, wine of the heart.” ~ Aeschylus Bronze emerges from a type of alchemy, copper and tin combine to create a material stronger than either, a partnership forged in fire, the molten merge creates a living material....

Shimmering and lustrous, the bronze Seri Tai is both energetic and timeless, a spirited dance of tension rendered in a storied metal. Like the beguiling mathematical object of the Möbius Strip, Seri Tai is a closed loop and a universe unto itself, formed by curving...

Salient sculptures are monumental yet minimalist. Richard Erdman Studios is thrilled to introduce two new sculptures carved from Carrara marble:  Salient I and Salient II.  Monumental in scale and presence, each piece stands at more than eight feet tall and are dramatic, self-enclosed meditations on...

Here at the studio, 2024 begins with the exciting announcement of a new sculpture commission by Melissa Morgan Fine Art: a monumental public artwork destined for Reno, Nevada. Carved from a 40-ton block of white Carrara marble quarried from the Apuan Alps, Belladonna will rise...

The Vermont sculpture studio is a work of art in its own right: “Annex”, designed by Brian Mac of Birdseye, renowned architectural studio based out of Burlington, Vermont, is equally inspired by both the artist’s sculptural language and the agrarian context of the surrounding horse farm....

Contemporary sculpture, Spira demonstrates that wonder can be conjured at any scale. Carved from stone formed nearly 200 million years ago, it is part of Earth’s primordial past, now bursting forth with motion. Like a Möbius strip, the surfaces of Spira twist and turn; its sweeping curves...

The creation of marble and the contrasting qualities of the ocean are central to Richard Erdman's sculptures.  In 1930, the German painter and naturalist Else Bostelmann descended into the depths of the ocean to record sea life on a small engraver’s plate. About the experience...

Approaching abstract sculpture can be intimidating. It has its own language, expressed by the artist through form, color, line, and texture. Artists who make abstract sculpture create their own dialect, born of individual creativity and building on the vernacular of artists who came before: Henry...

The Apuan Alps cradle the world's most precious white marble and stretch 55 Kilometers between the Serchio and Magra rivers across Northern Tuscany.  Carrara, Italy, where Richard has worked for over 40 years, is nestled in the mountain range along the Carrione river. Richard’s sculpture is...